A few weeks ago, StartupNigeria had a chat with Ayotunde Awosika. Ayo is the brain behind Techthins Media- an outfit he founded as a result of his passion for all things tech. Ayo wanted a platform where he could share this passion of his with fellow tech users and enthusiasts and so he set out to launch a platform that would inform, educate and provide tech-related solutions for end users.
Seeing the need to provide the public with a suitable app to help with decision making in the purchase of tech devices, he went one step further to launch the tech compare app. The app is a clutter free, user friendly app that allows users compare devices in order to make informed decisions before purchase. The platform gives users the freedom to compare up to 3 devices at once, saving time and also features devices that are peculiar to the Nigerian market.
Below are a few excerpts from our chat.
StartupNigeria: We noticed the tech compare app has a new and improved layout (which we love), however we are more interested in your experiences so far. What has it been like for you?
Ayotunde: It has been a great learning experience. We have encountered challenges which we overcame, by His grace. We have also experienced various successes and we keep growing.
StartupNigeria: What’s the current runway? and what are your projections for future funding?
Ayotunde: Just like any startup, funding is always a challenge. Right now, the Compare app is just a web app. But with good funding, it can become a downloadable phone app. Funding will also promote its publicity so more people can get on it. Public perception has been encouraging. We have been able to build our facebook likes from zero to over five thousand in less than a year with every single one being organic and not boosted by any financial means. We also enjoy commendation and acknowledgement from tech giants. For instance, HTC recently reached out to us to say well done! Our ‘Cuikees’ (a short video presentation of tech info) has garnered praise. GAC Motors asked to be featured on it.
StartupNigeria: If you were to do it all again, would you? and what would you want the government to do differently to assist upcoming startups?
Ayotunde: I certainly would! More and more youths are venturing into various lines of business. The government can assist by providing funding. This can be by way of loan so the ideas of the youths can actually survive. They should also provide an enabling environment for these startups to flourish. This includes stable electricity, regulation of data services to make them affordable, etc.
For more on Techtins you can visit their website and be sure to let StartupNigeria know what you think.