Sequel to my previous article “Do Ideas Have Expiry Dates?” I feel obliged to re-examine the subject in the context of age.
Is there an age when it is considered too late to start something? Like start a company? or a startup? The answer is arguably a unanimous NO! It is never too late; and according to an Igbo adage; “It is daybreak whenever a man awakes from his sleep.”
The info-graph below proves that it’s never late to conceive an idea and then go on to make it successful.
While Zuckerberg started his company at age 19, Charles Flint started IBM at age 61. Although starting early does not guaranty short term successful return, some ideas and aspiration take a long time to come to fruition and giving up on such idea may supposedly amount to expiration (not true though).
Click here to see a list of prominent people whom a few might term ‘late bloomers’.
However, in an era of high-speed information highway, ideas disseminates faster than the speed of light. Therefore, it is worthwhile re-evaluating your ideas to see if it is addressing current issues that people have.
One of the best ways of ensuring you build something that people will want to use is to join a co-working space, like Focus Hub, an innovation hub situated in the heart of Port-Harcourt, an environment with the right kind of ‘everything’ you will require to launch your idea into a startup. It does not matter if you are old or young, student or dropout, married or single, Focus Hub – like any world-class hub – will incubate your idea from concept development to product launch.
Till next time!